We are the Zambia Cancer Society (ZCS), a non-profit organization founded in 2009 on the belief that no one should face cancer alone. That is why we support anyone affected by cancer, irrespective of age, gender or type of cancer.  We want to give hope, inspire and enrich the lives of cancer patients and their caregivers.

Our Vision

A fearless cancer smart Zambia

Our Mission

To break the silence on cancer and enhance the quality of life of people affected by the disease irrespective of age, gender or type of cancer.

Meet The Team

Udie Soko

Udie Soko

Udie Soko

Dedicated To Supporting Cancer Patients and their Caregivers

Health Promotions

The wellbeing of cancer patients and their caregivers is our primary concern. We focus on creating local, culturally sensitive cancer information that is disseminated using multi-media platforms. We also provide the often overlooked but extremely important psycho-social support to cancer patients and their loved ones

Patient Support

The Zambian Cancer Society reaches out to communities through events and programs. These activities help us to implement life-saving programs that benefit communities.

Events & Outreach

Our engagement with policymakers and grassroots supporters through advocacy, the Zambian Cancer Society promotes awareness, prevention, and support of the needs of cancer patients and their families.

Join Our Fight & Save Lives Today!

More than 10,000 people in Zambia have been diagnosed with cancer and this devastating disease kills more than 2,000 people each year. We are committed to saving lives and creating a Zambia without cancer.

From Diplomat To Advocate & A Setback Becoming An Epiphany

It all began with a bothersome enlarged lymph node in my neck. The year was 1989, I had just started my first job having recently graduated from the University of Zambia. I eventually went to the hospital to have it checked unprepared for the bombshell results. “You have cancer of the lymph nodes” the doctor told me. I was numb. The first question I asked him was “is it fatal?” Little did I know that those 3 words – “you have cancer” would change the course of my life forever!

Between 1989 and 2000 I worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in different capacities. In 2001 I left the Ministry and began my advocacy work- sharing my story and fundraising to buy drugs for cancer patients. Driven by increasing cancer rates worldwide and a deepening desire to support cancer patients, a holy spiritual prompting led me to set up the Zambian Cancer Society (ZCS) in 2009. It was established to offer hope, encourage active involvement and help save lives.

In 2015 cancer “visited” me again. I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer a few months shy of my 50th birthday. It was a setback emotionally, physically, financially and spiritually. But ironically, it intensified my empathy for persons affected by cancer! Emboldened by this heightened level of connectivity to my fellow cancer survivors, I began to dream bigger. What if…let’s see how this unfolds!

Udie Soko

FOUNDER, Zambian Cancer Society